Pro du voyage & DDA : Legal travel insurance sales

12 Jul 2023
Accueil » Get Insured » Pro du voyage & DDA : Legal travel insurance sales

The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) is a European regulation affecting travel agencies. They now have to ensure that their travel insurance meets customers’ specific needs. They are also required to provide clear information on their products and to advise their customers appropriately. Finally, they must ensure that their employees receive ongoing training on DDA. However, compliance varies from country to country.

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What does the law say in the Tourism Code?

Distribution is governed by this article of law: Article R211-4


Article 8 in particular, concerning the sale of travel or holidays, states:


8° Information on compulsory or optional insurance covering the cost of cancellation of the contract by the traveller or the cost of assistance,

covering repatriation in the event of accident, illness or death.


It is therefore important to understand that, at the very least, only repatriation cover should be offered to the customer at the time of contracting. We’ll see how Yupwego addresses this later.

And in the Insurance Distribution Directive (DDA of May 16, 2018)

First of all, you need to understand that the DDA is the most important document governing the distribution of insurance. Both wholesale brokers like Yupwego and distributors, be they comparators, travel agencies or even brokerage firms, are subject to this regulation. Directly or by waiver.


It incorporates a new type of distributor called theinsurance intermediary. This is the framework in which you can distribute comprehensive travel insurance, and at the very least you must distribute repatriation insurance. But with certain thresholds so as not to fall within the framework of conventional brokers.

What is the travel agency’s distribution perimeter?

What are the travel agency’s obligations?

The legal framework proposed by Yupwego

Available tools

The partner has dedicated access to the portal. Access is via email address and password. The customer journey is then recognizable with the travel agency’s information:


  • Logo with “In partnership with” mention on the site

Billing management

Contracts are paid directly on subscription, and an invoice is issued for each payment. Invoices can be downloaded directly from the customer account.

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To go further

Schengen countries

Schengen Visa Insurance

Flight cancellation insurance

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