Why does travel make us happy?

30 Nov 2019
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A number of studies have been carried out on the subject, highlighting all the benefits of travel, both for the mind and the body. So, first of all, don’t panic, “travel” doesn’t necessarily mean “going to the other side of the world”!

You don’t have to go far to feel out of place. (Because yes, for us too, budgets are often tight!)

Have you ever noticed how a little corner of nature, a sunset or an old stone building can awaken and delight your senses? Bring you a sense of calm? According to studies by psychology professor Thomas Gilovich, the benefits of a trip are far greater than those of acquiring material goods, whose effect is ultimately short-lived.

A break from everyday life

It’s sometimes hard to find time for ourselves in our busy lives. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like the weeks and months are flying by at a frightening pace!
Giving yourself a week, a weekend, even a day, allows you to break with this routine, to stop time. The wonder of certain landscapes, the discovery of new regions, the learning that goes with it… All this clears our heads, refreshes us, recharges us, and puts a smile on our faces.

If you can make the most of the present moment and avoid thinking about the endless to-do list waiting for you at home (I’m sure you know what I’m talking about…), you’ll come out feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day.

(Re)discovering yourself

Away from the gaze of those around you, away from your habits, you can take the time to reconnect with yourself. Really breathe (and not just breathe deeply 2 – 3 times, hidden behind your computer). Meeting new people, new faces. Chatting with complete strangers. We talked about it in a previous article to help you meet people while traveling.

In a word, put yourself down.

Observe your surroundings, the people walking down the street. Let your mind wander, without thinking. Give that overheated mind a rest.

If you can get out into nature, that’s ideal. It’s a well-known fact that nature (especially forests and trees) has an extremely positive effect on our mind and health.

No need to go (too) far!

As I said in the introduction, we don’t always have the budget to take a trip thousands of miles away to discover faraway lands. No problem! It’s always possible to get a change of scenery, without having to drive or fly for hours on end, and without having to spend a fortune(we’ll help you with that, by the way).

A forest near you? A neighboring country?

Take a path you’ve never taken before. The sea just a few hours away? Sit on the beach and watch the sun set. A nice concert? Go dancing and don’t think about anything else. Perhaps you have family or friends living abroad who can put you up?

Studies have shown that a cooking class, a sports challenge, a painting workshop… also have far more beneficial effects than a purely material purchase.

Experience and feeling are what count. Being able to share your experiences with family and friends. All these positive memories would keep the happy hormones active for much longer.

So… let go and discover which small (and large) pleasures are good for you.

Better than a new smartphone?

Professor Thomas Gilovich is convinced that traveling makes us happier than acquiring new material goods. When you think about it, it makes so much sense!

The happiness you feel when you buy a new watch, a new smartphone or a new car fades pretty quickly.

The many benefits of a trip, excursion or visit last over time. The memory of an encounter, of a landscape, of an incredible expedition… All these remain engraved forever.

The Tibetans themselves, in their spirituality, say that “the journey is a return to the essential”.

Reconnecting with others

When people talk about travel, concerts or Escape Games, conversations flow and liven up in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Everyone can relate to it, and recall similar moments in their lives.

It takes us out of the hyper-connectivity in vogue and brings us back to more essential, human values.

Here’s how to meet new people on the road!

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