Travel insurance Greece

Prix moyen constaté


*Tarif pour un voyage d’une semaine pour une personne de 30 ans (sans annulation).


Planning a trip to Greece: what papers do you need? How can you make sure you're well covered during your stay? How do I take out travel insurance for Greece? We tell you all about it in our complete guide!


Full "recommended" vaccination schedule

Mandatory documents

Valid passport or identity card

Residence permits

Only for stays of more than 90 days for non-EU or Swiss nationals.




No vaccination required

Travel insurance Greece

Minimum coverage of €80,000 recommended by Yupwego

Best period

All year round

Emergency numbers

medical emergencies - 112

Travel Health Insurance Italy online

Start your quote now and obtain your medical insurance certificate for Greece, which covers medical expenses up to €80,000.

Discover Greece

Italy in brief

Greece, the cradle of Western civilization, is revealed between myth and reality. Here, the Acropolis of Athens stands proud, while the azure waters of Santorini bewitch the travelling soul. Between golden beaches, ancient ruins and enchanting islands, this Mediterranean country offers an unrivalled wealth of culture. Mermaid songs, traditional dances and culinary delights take you on a timeless journey. A land where every stone tells a story, every island a paradise.


Travel insurance Greece

Is travel insurance compulsory in Greece?

Travel insurance is not required to visit Italy. However, we recommend that all travelers take out travel insurance for this destination.

Why should you take out travel insurance for Italy?

We recommend that you take out travel insurance for Italy for several reasons:

  1. Medical expenses: In the event of illness or injury
  2. Repatriation: If you need to be evacuated to receive appropriate medical care, travel insurance can cover the cost of evacuation, which can be very expensive.
  3. Civil liability: If you cause damage to others or property.
  4. Loss and theft: If your luggage is lost or stolen, or if you lose money or valuables.
  5. Cancellations and delays: If your trip is cancelled or delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness or natural disaster, travel insurance can cover the associated costs.

What does my Italy travel insurance with YUPWEGO cover?

À savoir avant de partir

What are the entry requirements for Greece?

French nationals do not need a visa for a tourist stay of less than 90 days. However, it is advisable to check with the relevant authorities before departure to find out what measures are in force and what documents are required for entry into Greece.

Jet lag

There is a 1-hour time difference between France and Greece.

Greece is 1 hour ahead of France

How can I insure myself for the long term?

Health care in Croatia

What are the health risks in Greece?

Greece, like many European countries, presents a relatively low level of health risk. Take the necessary precautions, such as using mosquito repellents, eating carefully, protecting yourself from the sun and preventing motion sickness.

What type of plumbing system should I use?

Italy has both a public and private healthcare system. Foreign travelers can use the public network, which offers quality care throughout the country. However, treatment is not free, so travel insurance is recommended.

Travelling responsibly in Greece

How can you reduce risks by traveling responsibly?

  • Respect the environment: Don't leave garbage behind and follow the marked trails.
  • Respect local culture and customs: Learn a few basic phrases in Croatian and dress appropriately.
  • Support the local economy: Choose local establishments for your accommodation, meals and shopping.
  • Be responsible towards flora and fauna: observe animals from a distance and respect species protection rules.
  • Eco-friendly travel: Greece is famous for its charming seaside towns. Greece has an extensive public bus network. They serve even the smallest villages. Trains can be an alternative when they exist. For inter-island connections, use ferries rather than fast boats.
  • Respect for cultural sites: Many sites in Greece are ancient and fragile. Be sure to follow the rules, such as not touching works of art or monuments, and dispose of your garbage in the appropriate garbage cans.

Do you have any questions?

Our teams are here to advise you!

To go further

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Travel cancellation insurance: why is it so useful?

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